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The Circle Well-Rounded Guest Educator Series (Monthly)


The Circle Well-Rounded Guest Educator Series is an exclusive member-only education offering.

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Upcoming Session: May 10

Overcoming Perfectionism To Embrace Your Authentic Self with Dr. Menije Boduryan-Turner (Virtual)

Perfectionism is a toxic coping skill where you falsely think, "If I do things perfectly, I can avoid failure, rejection, shame, or pain." At the core of it, it stems from the negative core belief that "I am not enough as I am." When we strive for perfectionism, we ultimately neglect our authentic selves and feel more and more disconnected from others. Perfectionism brings with it more anxiety, self-doubt, resentment, and exhaustion. Join us in unpacking the signs of perfectionism so we can learn to thrive, not just survive each day. Let's unlearn perfectionism so we can find our authentic selves, embrace our imperfections, and show up more courageously in the world.

Dr. Menije Boduryan-Turner is a licensed psychologist and founder of the Embracing You Therapy group practice in Los Angeles, CA. She knows that her clients can bust out of their comfort zones, take ownership of their dreams, and create a new sense of self. Dr. Menije is a leading expert on overcoming perfectionism and building an authentic life. She knows one can be a prisoner of their perfectionism. As the founder of Perfectionism University, an online platform for self-help courses on breaking up with perfectionism, her goal is to create a community where we can all unlearn Perfectionism and start our journey of embracing imperfections and owning our enoughness. Her hope for you is that you turn the judgment to compassion and ultimately live a life where you accept imperfections rather than strive for perfection.

The above events are free and exclusive to Circle Members. RSVP required.

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Image release: We document most workshops via photo and video, therefore images of you may appear in future Well Lived Woman promotions. Please contact us if you do not consent to be featured. 


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